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Join Team

Tampa Rowing








High School Returning/Varsity
All returning/experienced 10th - 12th graders.
Aug 12th - May 18th


High School Freshman/Novice
ALL 9th graders AND first year 10th - 12th Graders
Aug 19th - May 18th


8th Grade Competitive
Experienced 8th graders who wish to practice and race with the High School Freshman/Novice squad.
Aug 19th - May 18th


Middle School Rookie

7th - 8th Grade, new or returning athletes, race opportunities in Tampa and out of town.
Fall - Sept 11th - Dec 16th
Spring - Jan 11th - April 6th or May 11th for Regionals Racers


Middle School Recreational

5th - 7th Grade, new or returning athletes. Opportunities to scrimmage at regular practice times and locations.
Fall - Sept 11th - Dec 16th
Spring - Jan 10th - March 29th


Registration is on a first come first serve basis and programs are capped based on experience level and number of available coaches for safety reasons. You will receive a follow up email within 2 business days with next step instructions, or confirmation that you have been added to the programs wait list.



Other Area Teams

Team Tampa Rowing is open to Hillsborough County students.  Florida Scholastic Rowing Association (the governing body for High School Racing) does not allow athletes at schools with active scholastic programs to practice or race for Team Tampa without prior written consent of the scholastic team’s coach and approval by the FSRA Executive Board.  Below are the local teams with Scholastic Programs.  If you attend one of these schools, please follow the link and contact these programs about their rowing opportunities prior to registering with Team Tampa Rowing.

Hillsborough High School:

Tampa Preparatory School:

Berkley Preparatory School:

Academy of the Holy Names:

Tampa Catholic High School:

H.B, Plant High School:

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